Hallo, ich bin Therese!

Ich bin eine deutsche Architektin und Internetunternehmerin mit Wohnsitz in München.

Während ich Vollzeit für ein Münchner Architekturbüro arbeite, habe ich meine persönliche Internetpräsenz: https://www.tmh-architects.com/about

mein LinkedIN Profil: https://www.linkedin.com/in/therese-marie-hinrichs-b8306b186/

und mein Instagram Profil @tmh-pro https://www.instagram.com/tmh_pro aufgebaut.

Außerdem veröffentliche ich regelmäßig einen Podcast über neue Trends und Technologien in der Architektur, auf iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/what-s-next-rethinking-architecture/id1508386294 Spotify: spotify:show:70MisA9wVXqfTMLS4oSi1I und auf meiner Website : https://www.tmh-architects.com/podcast

Diesen Sommer habe ich damit begonnen, Architekturbüros zu helfen Ihre Markenpräsenz im Internet zu verbessern und neue Kontakte über Social Media, sowie über die eigene Website zu gewinnen.

Ich würde mich über ein kurzes Telefonat mit Ihnen freuen :)

Viele Grüße

Therese-Marie Hinrichs

Blog_20200405-Ways Augmented Reality will revolutionize the Architecture Scene

Get ready for the next Podcast. In advance we provide you a small glimpse of the next podcast topics.

Last time on What´s Next we talked about innovations in terms of Virtual Reality,in general, such as the googles glasses or different Apps. Pokemon Go or the IKEA App.

This time we will talk about the innovations in Augmented Reality and how it will revolutionize the Architecture and Art Szene, as well as our cities in general. We will highlight the advantages, disadvantages and are prepared to respond to possible questions and anxieties that some might have.

So please feel free to comment and leave a message with your questions or further comments, so we can prepare carefully and answer them. Thank you in advance and till next week on What´s Next-Rethinking Architecture.

Therese-Marie Hinrichs
Blog_20200322-Only the Brave will rise strong

In times of Corona Virus the news are coming thick and fast every day. Not just politics and hospitals announced the emergency mode, also the working world is facing an uncertain future.

The economy is forced to deal with terms like Diversity Management and New Work. According to Eurostat database only 5% of the people work from home. Unfortunately it can be stated that most of the german companies are still holding on to a very strong presence culture and a corresponding management style. Because of this obsolet culture many firms are starting to worry and panic about the productivity of their employees in times of home office.

But why is that such a big problem? The benefits and the chances of digitalization were praised years ago. Discussions about Diversity Management and New Work are all over the news. Flexible workspaces and individual work routines create new forms of cooperation. There is no need anymore to get on an overcrowded underground, train or bus to get to your workplace.

The new workplace can be your balcony, the kitchen or your own home office. Work life and private life are merged together, breaking through the rigid structures of a 9 to 5 work day. Giving space for a dynamic workflow, increasing creativity and innovative ideas. And yet it seems like in this “first Home Office week” many employers are struggling with the new tasks. There is a very skeptical stance towards the technical resources, the possible lack of productivity and also the concern that isolation keeps away creativity and a workflow at all.

This time of social isolation implies the possibility and chance to experiment with new working methods. Of course there are systemically relevant professions, that can`t go into home office, but in this digital age the majority of people work most of the time with their computer or sit in a meeting. Potentially this can take place digital. If in the future there is still no need anymore for full-time presence, this could be a big chance to win talents for the company that live in a different country or depend on home office because of their private situations.

The management forces are now asked to take a stand and step toward future. Transforming themselves into Experts of Change Management in a very short period of time. Times of crisis are longing for change. Experiments are welcome and possible mistakes forgiven. I couldn’t think of a better time to show employees trust and value their work. Use the crisis to rise strong.

Therese-Marie Hinrichs
What´s Next- Making them fit us?
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Creating personal micro biomes?


The Industrial Age was defined by mass production and manufacturing. Quality of life has dramatically increased but it also caused high levels of pollution that left its mark on the planet. As a result of this age the time of mass production dictated us to believe in a world made of parts. Every part has its own individual function. Architects are still trained to think in assemblies, in different parts with different functions. Needing to put each part together. But what if we start designing aligned to nature. Designing without parts, without assemblies. Taking nature as an example. One material that varies its functionality by defining its elasticity. Building with nature. And even further not only building with biomaterials but wearing them. Is it possible to create personal micro biomes fitting not only our body shapes but our skins too?

What´s Next?

Therese-Marie Hinrichs
What´s Next - Podcast Intro

Upcoming Podcast


BIG News - What´s Next is about to start its very own podcast show! Join us on the adventures ride, taking an evolutionary step towards future. Thinking about problems not even exist yet and discussing possible solutions. Meeting very special guests, different opinions, different perspectives and a new point of view of what the future may hold for us. Meet your host on the upcoming intro version. Find out more about the motivations behind this show and the possible answers of What´s Next!

Therese-Marie Hinrichs